Listado de eventos
El club de lectura juvenil como ventana al mundo de las letras
30/10/24 | 18.00 - 19.00 – África Vázquez
¡La lectura es un gran placer! Y compartirlo con nuestro alumnado es, a veces, un reto. Organizar un club de lectura puede ofrecernos la posibilidad de conectar con los jóvenes, crear un espacio donde el pensamiento crítico y las opiniones personales puedan fluir y generar debates sanos y enriquecedores. En esta sesión hablaremos sobre cómo crear un club de lectura, organizar y dinamizar las sesiones y valorar los resultados de la experiencia.
Universal Design for Learning Situations
07/11/24 | 18.00 - 19.00 – Laura Broadbent
Universal Design is a strategic approach that considers diverse users and by applying it to our teaching practices, we can foster an inclusive learning environment. In this session, we’ll explore ways to create classroom materials and tasks for learning situations and projects. I’ll suggest a range of ways you can present real-life contexts and progressive challenges that include all your students. You’ll gain ideas and solutions for your classes to help you meet the main teaching requirements and engage and inspire all your learners.
Teaching English pronunciation for a Global World
15/11/24 | 12.00 - 13.00 – Robin Walker
The principal goal of pronunciation teaching today is intelligibility. The term is found in the rating scales of all of the major exam boards, and is the backbone of the 2019 CEFR updated descriptors for pronunciation. But how do we teach towards intelligibility? What do we do in the classroom? In this webinar we will look at a wide range of the sort of practical activities that we can use in class with our learners in order to make intelligibility a meaningful, achievable goal.